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In a group of 4 members, we are required to develop 6-8 minutes video on a nature topic. The topic of discussion shall be based on one documentary called "our planet"
At first, we was discussing the topic of discussion. I suggested my group members to choose Tropical Rainforest, because it has more information's.
Was understanding the assignment brief from my lecture guidance
We choose one episode related to rainforest and watched individually among ourselves
We managed to finalize a topic for our discussion ,and started our video draft
Me as a leader , i segregated the the task for each member in my group. When everyone has finished their own findings on Amazon rainforest we checked for any corrections together
When we done reseaching on rainforest, i filtered out few informations and emphasize more in the script. Everyone picked their own favourite role
and i choose ecologist as my choice
We recorded our video individually , so that our video editor Olivia , can compile all clips together
I learned to think critically and creatively on the problem solving regarding the living creatures of amazon rainforest. I engage in active planning and forethought to set goals, outline strategies, and determine the best methods to pre3sent of topic of discussion in the end
I learned a lot of new things on rainforest in terms of its climate, characteristics, flora& fauna living there for millions of year. I discipline specific knowledge as a set of understandings on the extinction of jaguar nowadays. This assignment helped me to create an awareness on the nature to my friends and family.
I learned to communicate with my groups member through chat and meetings. I also payed close attention to team members when there were communicating and I was keep sharing ideas and feedbacks to everyone to brainstrom fresh ideas.
Me as a group leader , I believe that I well lifted myself along everyone in the group. I did the best I could to stand equally to contribute each team mates in my group, I also ensured that my team mates were on the track for the duration of the assignment.